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Core Values

Community – We value being in community and healthy relationships. Therefore, we practice the things that create and maintain community such as differentiation, forgiveness, grace, reconciliation, encouragement, confrontation and peacemaking.


Respect – We value our diversity as uniquely created by God, recognizing each one as made in God’s image.  Therefore, we practice giving each individual opportunity to have their own voice and consider each other’s right to be heard and understood equal to our own.


Responsibility – We value taking personal responsibility and holding each other accountable.  Therefore, we practice owning our thoughts, feelings, beliefs, behavior and recovery by naming them for what they are.  We focus on change within ourselves and not blaming people or situations in the past; to do so is to escape personal accountability.  Responsibility includes acknowledging damage caused in the lives of those around us and as much as possible, making things right.


Honesty/Vulnerability – We value openness and truthfulness as foundational to establishing and enjoying a healthy relationship with God and others.  Therefore, we practice presenting ourselves for who we really are, including our fears, doubts and struggles, no longer pretending to be who we think others want us to be.  We believe this requires a safe environment built on practicing confidentiality and trust.


Freedom – We value being free from addictions and enslaving habits. Therefore, we practice transforming our thought patterns from believing “lies” to believing truth.


Story – We value the unique story of each individual as being planned by the providence of God.  Therefore, we practice the telling of our stories as part of our acceptance of reality and healing “recovery.”


Journey – We value the ongoing process of restoration.  Therefore, we practice finding contentment and peace for where we are on the journey by accepting that we have not arrived but are always making effort to move away from dysfunction and towards healthier living.


Space – We value making space in our lives for intentional process and rest. Therefore, we practice slowing and clearing our schedules to spend time in community, for observing “Sabbath” to both listen to and talk to God, for study and for retreat, all for the purpose of “refocusing” on what is true.


© 2020 by Restore My Soul Ministries.

Proudly serving Polk County Oregon

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Mailing Address: 

PO Box 341

Dallas, OR 97338

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